Lee-Scott Academy
Developing a website for a preparatory or private school like Lee-Scott Academy requires an extreme attention to the way the user perceives the brand on first page load. We knew that we needed to present the LSA brand in a credible, “worth-it,” way as the brand had demonstrated over the years of education.
Multiple Audiences
In order for the LSA brand to adequately reach all of their potential users, we needed a website and design that could connect potential students as well as engage existing students/parents. This made our methodology more complicated as we had to account for multiple different conversion paths with different endpoints – interest application, event times, newsletter registration, and more.
Sleek and Professional Design
In order to make sure the LSA brand was presented in the professional, modern way they needed, we made sure to utilize animation effects like background videos, plenty of white space, and a strong serif font. Each different design element contributes to the overall aesthetic of the brand, giving the user a since of credibility and authority when clicking through the site.
Private School Website Development Process
Research and analysis.
Looking at the competitors for Lee-Scott Academy, we discovered that there was a void of professional, business-minded website designs for Christian Academies. Service industry designs have been moving to uber-corporate, buttoned-up designs for the past few years, and instead of going fully in that direction, we wanted to present the Lee-Scott Academy brand as one that offers quality on a higher level than the available competitors.
Communicating education authority within the site.
While there are thousands of private schools across the state and country, we wanted to make sure that the way LSA presented themselves to their local community was that they are a credible authority on the education process. This idea is largely orchestrated through the front-facing content, but also make specific design choices like not stuffing the design with too much content, avoiding pop-ups, and other pieces lets the language shine through.
Connecting families to a school.
In every conversion path a user could take on the website, all of them revolve around parents making decisions for their children’s futures. Whether it’s the class registration dates for enrollment, what upcoming activities are available to attend, which club or team their child can enjoy, we wanted to make sure both prospective parents and parents of enrolled students could easily find the information they’re looking for. We accomplished this by reviewing existing user flow data from the previous website to present the most frequently trafficked pages early and often, reducing clicks and encouraging engagement.