Hughston Homes
Home builder websites typically rely on showcasing the styles and kinds of homes that they offer, and Hughston Homes was no different. With a number of plans available to the user to select from, in a large number of locations, we wanted to make sure our design showcased the entire scope and capabilities of the Hughston Homes brand.
Website Speed
When loading high-resolution images from a home builder, it can be difficult to keep the website speed up due to the large file sizes we’re pulling in. By utilizing a CDN and a variety of minification tools, we were able to have the website speed effective while also using those high quality images.
Listings, Plans, Locations
The Hughston Homes website uses a few different custom post types to deliver their content to the user. With Listings, Locations, Plans, Staff, and more, we were able to create individual taxonomies for each custom post type.