Website Development
Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design detects the screen size of the device viewing it and then responds accordingly, thereby having one website for all devices instead of separate mobile sites.
Mobile devices come in thousands of different shapes and sizes. Your website need to be able to respond to the different possible dimensions on the fly.
There are different design requirements for each different browser, and developing a mobile-responsive website needs to accommodate a wide variety of potential browsers.
Responsive Website Agency
How Search Ads Work
Web standard used to require different websites for different browsers, thereby creating a separate mobile stylesheet for iPhones, Androids, and more. However, as technology has evolved, web developers have been able to customize development language to accurately fit all different mobile device sizes without having to rewrite a website.
Without a mobile-friendly website, your brand will be deranked on search engines like Google, and users will have a more difficult time converting with lead generation methods. And with mobile traffic accounting for over 65% of all website traffic, you must have a mobile website to compete in the modern landscape.
Quality Score
In order for Google Ads marketing to be as efficient as possible, you want to have a high quality score. This means that your ads match seamlessly with your website content.
Google’s Bidding Process
In order for your website to outbid a competitor, your ad campaign should be set with a higher maximum cost per click than said competitor. The higher the bid, the higher the placement.
Keyword Targeting
Your ads will be set to only show on specific keywords in specific instances. Your AdWords campaign can be set for different match types to make sure your keywords are reaching the right users.